Start Listening To: TVAM

Wake up, TVAM smashes out loud music for sleepy people.

TVAM aka Joe Oxley is a producer who since 2014 has been continuously providing a stream of beats running on repeats, loops of daily paranoia and digital nostalgia. Pumped by a mechanic-heart of any device he works on, TVAM's work is a whirlwind of layers of synth, metabolised big cities’ surroundings and a bit of humane hope buried under the heavily-cemented ground.

Today, he presents ‘Piz Buin’, a fast-paced track inspired by the language of advertising. It threads with escapism and vanity on an electronic lining pierced by needles made of made from steel feelings.

Can you tell us who you are, where you’re from and about the music you make?

I’m Joe Oxley from Wigan, and I make loud music for sleepy people.

Can you tell us more about your new single Piz Buin?

Sure, Piz Buin was one of those times where the title leads and the music follows. It was probably my first step on from the last album and I wanted to see where it’d go, so I cranked up the colours and it really helped it come together. The lyrics lean heavily on escapism and vanity, which was probably attuned to my own feelings at the time, but there’s some subliminal snark at the heart of the track. I love the language of advertising and how it sometimes reads like lifestyle affirmations; those benign word pairings designed to soothe us all.

We love the sound of this track. Can you name some of the instruments your using?

I tend to gravitate towards old synths and electronic instruments, particularly those most in use throughout the 1980s. My go-to gear is usually Roland stuff but I found a great bell sound on a Korg M1 patch, so that had to go in.

If you were to describe your music to someone who’d never heard you before, what would you say?

I’d ask them what kind of music they like, then tell them it’s like that but worse.

How do you produce your music?

I usually sequence a beat until I’m happy with it and then go around the room trying different things out. I’ll record using whatever equipment works with the sound I’m looking to get, then it gets bounced to a laptop for mixing.

What inspires your music?

TV, films and books, mostly. I seek moments where my mind can wander a bit and that seems to happen more when I’m watching something. Inspiration doesn’t tend to come as a direct response to the subject of what I’m watching but more the tone of it.

It’s hard to pin down, really… I think most artists in any field are just left twiddling their thumbs waiting for inspiration to come and that most art stems from the few times it actually arrives, or as a direct response to the crippling dread that it may never come again.

Do you have any plans to tour in 2022?

I’ve really missed playing live, so I hope I can get out more this year. There are a couple of things in the pipeline that haven’t yet been announced…

Can you tell us something interesting about yourself that doesn’t have anything to do with music? 

I got into watching theme park vlogs and eating cereal over lockdown, and I haven’t stopped. I thought it was just a lockdown thing but it clearly isn’t. I still seek the comfort of a bowl of sugary treats as I make my way through my 50th rewatch of some John Wardley documentary.  

Name an album you’re still listening to from when you were younger and why it’s important to you?

The B-52’s - The B-52’s

They’re just the most fun band there’s ever been. That album sounds incredible, too -  the sound is super clean but it adds to that over the top charm. It frames the kitsch in such an honest and endearing way. It’d be so easy to come across as wacky and disposable but they pull it off cos they're tight as hell.

What do you hate right now? 

War, though not only right now.

What do you love right now?

My cat, Angus, as he’s decided to join me as I type this.

What comes next in the TVAM story?

I’m excited to see what me and Invada Records can do next.

Is there any new music from 2022 you are enjoying?

I liked that The Runner soundtrack Boy Harsher put out not long ago.

Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

Invest in a standing workspace and take regular breaks, if possible.


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