Start Listening To: PUBLIC BODY
We found a band who finally tells us how to ‘Reset The Password’ and understands that it’s ‘Hard To Concentrate’ in a day-job.
Emerging from the 9 to 5 world, bred on caffeine, hours of blank-staring into computer’s dull surface and that desperate need to smash your surrounding with a portable hammer, PUBLIC BODY is here to take the piss. Everyday absurdities, workplace etiquettes and table manners, all is to toss. In an upcoming EP, they made a safe space for fellow workers (hence anyone having a job) to complain about capitalism and ridiculously of the system. We relate, perhaps a tad too much.
Can you tell us who you are, where you’re from and about the music you make?
I am Seb Gilmore, the rest of the band are not important enough to mention in this answer. I am based in London and I create music that is beyond my own abilities because I copy and paste on logic instead of playing the whole song all the way through. (Big mistake)
How did it all start?
I was behind my bedroom door trying to make music that sounded like Uranium Club, unfortunately it holds no resemblance to that band whatsoever.
If you were to describe your sound to someone who’d never heard you before, what would you say?
I would say it is fast, and not catchy.
Can you tell us a bit about your upcoming EP?
It has 6 songs that complain incessantly about working a 9-5 job. I am now starting to feel self-conscious that I am being a big baby who just needs to accept capitalism. Maybe it’s the best thing for me.
How are you feeling about the release of your latest single ‘Reset My Password?
Yeah feeling really good about it, I’m surprised that people think it's good considering it's about resetting the password on my work computer and only stays on one chord through the whole song (I think).
Can you tell us more about the themes behind the single?
It was during lockdown, I was in my room trying to write a song during work hours (my favourite thing to do) when I went to switch my work computer on, it told me I hadn’t reset my password in time so I had to speak to a tech concierge to get it reset.
What inspires your music?
Devo, Uranium Club and fast high hats. I like songs that don’t make me feel any real emotional response. I like funny songs. But I don’t like Tenacious D so don’t even try.
What advice would you give for anyone trying to achieve a similar sound to your band?
I don’t believe any advice I could give would be of any benefit to anyone. But if I had to, I would say roll the bass off and turn the treble to 11.
How do you find operating in Brighton’s music scene?
I lived in Brighton for 10 years so made a few friends that I now use to my own gain. I feel proud and a sense of accomplishment from that.
If your music were a film or TV show which would it be?
The Thick of It.
Name an album you’re still listening to from when you were younger and why it’s important to you?
I still listen to Soundgarden a lot because Chris Cornell is the epitome of sexy rock man and the riffs are killer, drums are killer, bass is killer, vocals…. Killer.
What do you hate right now?
My cat who has behavioural problems.
What do you love right now?
My other cat that doesn’t have behavioural problems.
What comes next in the Public Body story?
Our EP 'Flavour Of Labour'. Then release an album that, hopefully, isn’t about working a 9-5 job.
I hope Metallica and Uranium Club release a new album. Also looking forward to Regal Cheer and Career releasing their new music.
Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?
Please don’t remember my band.