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Start Listening To: Nicole Faux Naiv

On the cusp of her mesmerising debut album we speak with Nicole Faux Naiv about her songwriting process and love of Russian pop icons t.A.T.u.

Can you tell us who you are, where you’re from and about the music you make?

I am Nicole, from Germany and currently in Berlin and I make bitter-sweet dream pop.

How are you feeling about the release of your debut album Moon Rally?

Very excited and proud about it. Feels like a really big and important step in my life. And I’m happy that people will finally be able to listen to the whole Moon Rally experience..

What are some themes behind your new album?

I would say abstract memories from my childhood, scenarios from my dreams (day and night), nightmares, daily nostalgic life...

How has Berlin influenced you as artists?

Not sure if Berlin specifically influenced me because I was not really connected to the city when I wrote the songs for the album. But for sure I can tell that Berlin is probably one of the best cities which lets you feel a special kind of solitude - a very romantic and magical one. The city with its many suburbs gives good possibilities to find your own secret hiding spots.

You worked with producer Robbie Moore on the record. What was that experience like?

Very fun! It was my first studio experience ever. I directly vibed with Robbie and his musical taste and I was enjoying the time there very much. The studio is filled with lots of crazy and cool stuff. I left with a smile on my face at the end of every day! Can't wait to do more stuff there.

Can you tell us more about your song writing process?

Sure. I haven’t figured out a specific process yet. Mostly I have vague song ideas during the day or I dream of certain melodies and I start to make a quick voice memo. Then the text and melody fragments come together at some point when I record the demos where I also specify it all with trying out different synth sounds for example… Or sometimes I just write a complete song in an hour when I have a really good drive of inspiration. I think it’s good not to think about it too much - as well before, during and afterwards.

Do you have any gigs planned for 2022?

Yes - there are some shows in the planning..

Can you tell us something interesting about yourself that doesn’t have anything to do with music?

Hmm.. I'm really interested in nature and space. I like to recognize patterns in nature and I   have a telescope that I’m unable to handle.

If your music were a film or TV show which would it be?

Maybe a surreal sci-fi romance from the late 90s directed by Wong Kar-wai. Or a melancholic Russian cartoon from the late 70s haha..

Name an album you’re still listening to from when you were younger and why it’s important to you?

I’d say "200 KM/H In The Wrong Lane" by t.A.T.u. - I really liked it as a kid and re-discovered them a few years ago. I love the sweet melancholic vibe and I think this album is a perfect sum up of the dark 90s/00s post-soviet sound. Also it’s quite an inspiration for my own music. Btw, the Russian version of this album is even cooler! 

What do you hate right now?

The continuous grey sky - feels so dull.

What do you love right now?

The lavender oolong tea at the Taiwanese cafe in my neighbourhood.

What comes next in the Nicole Faux Naiv story?

Let’s get surprised!

Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?

Maybe one of my favorite songs at the moment: