Start Listening To: For Breakfast
Can you tell us who you are, where you’re from and about the music you make?
We’re a band from various places around the UK and elsewhere, but we all met and are based in London. Our music is a distillation of our varied musical backgrounds - we came to it through different genres, but found that where those styles could overlap was exciting to us all. No one likes trying to succinctly describe their own music, but if the sound of seven people making a dreamy racket with inspiration from psychedelia, jazz and post-rock intrigues it might be for you.
How did it all start?
Some of us in the band have been playing together in one form or another since university in about 2016. It started out as just Joe and me (Sam) making awful noise over YouTube drum loops, before quickly realising we ought to bring in our friends who actually knew what they were doing. A few people have been in the project since then, but we’ve been in this lineup the longest - it feels like when this group solidified the band became itself.
We love your new single Heavy Horse Museum. Can you tell us a bit more about how this single came about?
HHM started life as a gentle, contemplative piano piece that Eden wrote. He brought it to the group as just the chords and none of the context, and by the time it had been cranked through the machinery of us jamming around it in rehearsal it was unrecognisable. There’s no overarching concept - the lyrics were inspired by the atmosphere of the instrumental, and the title was just taken from a sign that we saw near the recording studio that had an interesting imagery to it. We tend to leave things vague, even to ourselves!
How do you produce your music?
We write mostly in person and in the moment - individual members usually bring in a riff, a progression or just an idea that we grow into something together over a few rehearsals.
What inspires your music?
Everything, almost. Probably the only artist all of us love is Mogwai. It might sound trite but I think playing with each other is the main thing that inspires the music.
How are you feeling about the release of your new EP “Trapped in the Big Room”?
Anxious, mostly! Obviously we love it, and we’re excited to share it, but you never know if others will hear what you hear.
How has living in London influenced you as a band?
The fact that we’re able to experience art of almost any kind in this city is probably the best thing about it. Beyond that, it’s just big enough to have brought the seven of us together, which we’re obviously grateful for.
If your music were a film or TV show which would it be?
Over the Garden Wall.
Name an album you’re still listening to from when you were younger and why it’s important to you?
Maya: Pink Moon by Nick Drake - it just does the thing.
Sam: The Magnolia Electric Co. by Songs Ohia - always a comfort, lap steel heals.
What do you hate right now?
The price of getting a train from London to Salford.
What do you love right now?
Going up to Salford to play a show.
What comes next in the For Breakfast story?
Playing a show in Salford, at least when we’re writing this. We just want to keep playing new places with new people, and making more songs that surprise us.
Is there any new music from 2022 that you’re enjoying?
Tonnes. Our friends in leather.head have finally released their first single “Hordes” - it rips, check them out. We’re playing a few shows with them this summer and can’t wait. Some others in no order: Cahill & Costello, caroline, Traams (new single has Joe from Protomartyr on it too), Destroyer, Cate le Bon, Big Thief, Cult of Luna, Drug Church, Black Country New Road. Some more friends: Mount Forel will be releasing some amazing new music later this year, In Violet has been dripfeeding new bangers, and Burden Limbs (which Omar is also in) are gearing up to release their cavernous debut album.