Start Listening To: Flora
The only ninth-grader powerful enough to take us to Emerald City.
“Don’t let your age determine your value. Everything is relative,” says Flora. We couldn’t agree more. Only a teenager, she’s unapologetic in what she wants and brave to realise her music indie pop dream. Many adults would envy that bad-ass attitude.
At the beginning of her journey, Flora chooses to take us to the mood-enhancing and gem-studded streets of her debut album ‘Emerland City’. It’s a beautifully quirky landscape, straight from Wes Anderson’s set mixed up with cosy bedroom-beats realness. Hope she’s got plenty of helping hands to use, as we’re sure that pretty soon everyone would want to be pop into the town. We’d request citizenship.
We caught up with Flora now, just in time before she’ll be in full bloom.
Can you tell us who you are, where you’re from and about the music you make?
I’m a 9th grader who lives in Lawrence, Kansas. To briefly describe my music, my songs are in the category of bedroom/indie pop.
How did it all start?
It all started the summer before 7th grade when my dad and I would go on walks and brainstorm ideas about us making music together (just for fun to see where it went). Now a couple years later I’m coming out with my first full-length album, Emerald City.
Can you tell us a bit about your new album ‘Emerald City’?
Yes - I’m really proud of this album honestly. I’m only at the beginning of my music career so I’m excited to see where it goes. I’d say every song on the album tells a certain story about some part of my life. My album means a lot to me because of this!
What’s the story behind your single ‘Get Off My Back’?
It was basically a made-up story about a toxic stalker ex.
We love the video for it, how was working on it?
Working on this video was a roller coaster of emotions. I was going through some stuff with my boyfriend at the time and it made things kind of intense on the day we were shooting. My best friend was there for me (she actually played the part of the eagle) and I ended up having an amazing time.
Did you ever feel like your age was an obstacle when trying to be taken seriously in the industry?
People are mostly supportive because the fact I’m younger and less experienced. So far, I’m just trying to have fun with it and not take things too seriously.
If you were to describe your sound to someone who’d never heard you before, what would you say?
Something chill you’d listen to on a really nice day. Hopefully my music will put you in a better mood!
What inspires your music?
Things I’ve been through help me come up with ideas. I’m always trying to make stuff that stands out and doesn’t sound like other artists.
What advice would you give for anyone trying to achieve a similar sound to your band?
Be yourself! Try and make it upbeat and happy.
If your music were a film or TV show which would it be?
Somebody once told me my music sounded like a Wes Anderson movie!
Name an album you’re still listening to from when you were younger and why it’s important to you?
The Smiths (self titled) - this album is important to me because I’ve had the CD since I was little and the music is so ahead of its time, it never gets old.
What do you hate right now?
School. Not enough good, close friends. Any food that comes out of a crock pot.
What do you love right now?
I love finding good new music, like Memo Boy.
What comes next in the Flora story?
Making a couple new music videos, releasing my first full length album Emerald City in June, and more live shows.
What upcoming 2022 music releases are you most excited about?
Anything from Current Joys, Eyedress or Strawberry Guy.
Is there anything else you would like to share with our readers?
Don’t let your age determine your value. Everything is relative.