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Start Listening To: Bdrmm

Bdrmm are the latest in a string of witty sardonic band’s from the north that you need in your life right now. Their latest EP Port is released on vinyl on August 19.

Can you tell us who you are, where you’re from and where you grew up?

Hey! I’m Jordan from the band bdrmm. We are from sunny Hull in East Yorkshire.

What encouraged you to start your own band and how did the band form in the way it is now?

We’ve all been avid music fans since youth. My dad raised me and Ryan on a massive diet ranging from Arctic Monkeys to Zero 7, so it has always been in our minds I guess. The band originally formed in 2016 (or 2017, I can’t remember anymore!) and was just me, Joe, Ryan dicking about, then our mates, Danny and Luke joined. Since then, the line-up has changed to include lovely Conor, but we’re still as rubbish as when we first started.

What is the background story of your band name?

Ryan started recording the first demos of the band in his bedroom and needed a good name. He didn’t come up with a good one…

Can you tell us more about how you produce your music?

Ryan normally writes a basic structure for a track, and we all take it from there really. We record at The Nave in Leeds with our brilliant confidante and sonic wizard, Alex Greaves. We spend a lot of time working on ambience and synthetic bullshit before we start and then build from there really. It’s like music Lego but not as exciting.

What is it like working with Record Label Sonic Cathedral?

Incredible. Nat encourages every stupid idea we have. We’re eternally grateful to him for taking a chance on us. He’s family!

We love your new Single ‘Three’. What inspired you to write your new single?

Thanks! I can’t really speak on behalf of the lyrics because Ryan wrote it, but musically I think we all wanted to try something a bit different, maybe more inspiring? We were all in a very rough patch in our personal lives and wanted to write something that didn’t make us want to cry.

What was your favourite & least favourite part of making the Single ‘Three’?

The best part is how everyone had such a distinct impact on the song, it’s a real community effort. Worst part is that we hated it and didn’t release it for a year. Imposter syndrome and all that.

Any interesting or funny story to share about touring in Europe with Mogwai?

Shit. Everyday was interesting or funny. One that sticks out is playing in Modena in Italy. After the show, we were all sat outside drinking when Stuart decided to show us that he can make a farting noise with his eye (like when you were a kid and did those stupid armpit farts (but 20% more impressive)). I miss them a lot haha.

What was the best gig you guys ever played and why?

Hmm, there’s been so many! Playing the Roundhouse with RIDE was kind of incredible. We’ve been such huge fans since we were kids, and the whole day was ridiculous like a children’s fairy-tale but with no baddies and lots and lots of free crisps.

What music styles do you guys listen to and how different are they from each other?

We’re all pretty similar really. Car journeys to and from shows can always be a laugh though. L.A. by Fanzine always comes on, that or the Grandstand theme. I’d say our collective tastes together would sound like Jonathan Richman covering Regulate by Warren G.

Name an album you’re still listening to from when you were younger and why it’s important to you?

In Rainbows is a real obvious choice but its always one I go back to whenever I’m feeling uninspired or want some good frequencies in my ears. It’s got everything, and every track  shines differently with each subsequent listen. Yeah, a very special record for me.

Do you feel like your parents influenced your personal music style or not at all?

Yeah 100%, I said earlier about my Dad, but my Mum likes some choice hits. Kylie, Justin Timberlake et al. I think it’s allowed me to appreciate pop music a bit more than your average indie idiot.

Is there any new music from 2022 you have been enjoying?

Lots! The new Kendrick Lamar record has been in constant rotation, as well as The Smile record. The new Horsegirl record is really sick! Folly Group’s latest EP…Viagra Boys too. It’s been a good year!

What advice would you give for anyone trying to achieve a similar sound to your music?

Get some earplugs.

Where do you see your band one year from now?

On the cover of Nuts magazine.

Is there a particular place in the world you would love to play a gig one day?

Longstanton Spice Museum.